CHU Ste-Justine

Mother and child university hospital center

Photo credit : CHU Sainte-Justine

  • Albert-Royer Auditorium

    • The Albert-Royer auditorium is designed to accommodate a variety of events including teaching and professional training activities, conferences, congresses and meetings.
    • New audiovisual systems providing multimedia presentation features, interactive annotation, video conferencing, digital signage, online broadcasting (live or recorded) were added.
  • Amphithéâtre Justine Lacoste-Beaubien

    • As a state-of-the-art venue, Justine Lacoste-Beaubien auditorium offers motorized devices for projectors and screens to retract quickly and efficiently. Moreover, the room is equipped with a control room system adapted to the stage performances, as well as a matricing and processing system.
  • Cinema Celine Dion

    • Kids and their family members can now enjoy professional movie presentations in the heart of the hospital.
  • Training, meeting and video conferencing rooms

    • Scéno Plus contribution to the project include the design, coordination and integration of infrastructures required for the implementation of teaching, video conferencing, telehealth activities and distance education systems.
    • The new premises also allows services to hold meetings and videoconferences. The project has been realized as part of an accessibility program to videoconferencing in the healthcare network.
    • The rooms and videoconferencing systems are used as tools to facilitate consultation, knowledge transfer and therefore maximize the uses of the various services resources and expertise.


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