Caesars Palace Casino
When in 2000, Park Place Entertainment launched its major project to revamp the Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino and entertainment infrastructures, it approached Scéno Plus to develop an architectural concept and a theatre design of what was to become the Colosseum. Constructed directly on Las Vegas Boulevard, the building is loosely inspired by Roman aesthetics with contemporary overtones.
It is one of Las Vegas's largest and most elegant showrooms - a fitting site for Céline Dion’s return to the stage in the production A New Day, directed by Franco Dragone.
“…this is one of the best places I’ve ever played all over the world… Let’s give the building a round of applause. Good building, well done building! Thank you very much building! Great sound! Great seats!”
-Extract of Rod Stewart show presented on April 6, 2012 at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace
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